It is no secret that Bornholm holds a very special place in our hearts. The Danish island in the Baltic Sea is known for its natural wonders, its lovely climate and, very interestingly, is the first ever island in the world to be labeled a World Craft Region as Bornholm has an extraordinarily vibrant arts and craft culture. Even though the island is most known for its ceramics and glass masters, our pieces were well received during our first solo exhibition PRESENT at Bornholm’s Centre of Arts and Craft.

We are very proud to announce that one of the pieces from the exhibition: a very large, light Moon sculpture named “384400 – Hammer Havn” (Ø 180 cm) has now been acquired by Bornholm Hospital alongside a black Moon piece of the same size (working title “Natside”).

The two unique works of art are funded by Kirsten & Freddy Johansen’s Foundation. We wish to thank the foundation for their generous donation and Lene Havtorn Larsen, manager of Bornholm’s Centre of Arts and Craft for her beautiful vision and for making it all happen. Lene decided early on that “384400 – Hammer Havn” simply had to stay at Bornholm in order to “shine for those who cannot sleep”.

“384400 – Hammer Havn” and “Natside” will be revealed at Bornholm’s Hospital on September 6, 2024. Please follow our work with “Natside” on our Instagram.

The Moon over Bornholm. Pic: Kristoffer Linus
Rønne, Bornholm